Thursday, March 11, 2010

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Field-blog Resurrected

Back in the field!

Three weeks with AMNH on St. Catherine's island off the coast of Georgia looks to be a good 'ol time. Arrived on the island yesterday after planes, SUVs, and boats (not to be confused with planes, trains, and automobiles).

Waiting for the boat to the island on the mainland

The weather was perfect for a near wave-less ride from the mainland to the island. Then a quick tour in the "lounge," a true Indiana-Jones-Style roof-less contraption with bench seats (photos soon). All the buildings are beautifully renovated, and we're bunking in cute little cabins built on the foundations of the slave quarters from the old Gwinnet planation. (Bouns: My step-great-grandma's something-or-other relative was the Mr. Macintosh who killed Button Gwinnet, signer of the Declaration of Independence and Georgia-Gentalman, in a duel!) As if just being able to walk outside in only two layers wasn't enough, yesterday afternoon a pack of lemurs (which are protected on the island through a zoo-bio program) was climbing all over the Gwinnet mansion.

Home for three weeks

Goodies on my bedroom shelf

This morning was an early and soggy morning. Rain rolled through twice, but the afternoon was clear -- and clearing was what we did. Many happy hours pruning Palmettos, moving decaying logs, and attacking a vine-y briar patch twice as tall and three times as wide as me. Work gloves and rain gear are my new best-friend. Luckily the company is good, and meals are gourmet. "Cheeks," lab-staff and long-time island-goer, made a killer chili for dinner. "Bradford Hall" the big all-purpose room/kitchen is the perfect setting for a nice meal and good card game (complimented by a small nip of whiskey). Otherwise, the island is exactly as it should be, tons of spanish moss, marsh and wild-things. In addition the lemurs, I've seen deer, wild pigs, hartebeest, egrets, and white-headed falcons. Southern-hospitality reigns, and apparently there are ghosts... visit to the cemetery and Native American burial grounds soon!

Crew looking out over the marsh

This is it!